When the BBC decided to resurrect the series, I was pumped. I didn't know what kind of job they would do. I only hoped that they would treat it with respect. Enter Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. Fantastic! (With apologies to Eccleston for stealing his tag line.) He had energy, smarminess, and just the right feel for the role. Then, after a solitary season, he was gone. What? One season? Come on! Even my wife, who was new to the series, was ticked. Still, she was willing to give the show a chance once she understood how things worked in the world of Doctor Who. Eccleston was the 9th actor to play the role, and the whole concept of regeneration meant that the new actor would still be the Doctor, but could bring a new take to the role. And he did...
David Tennant, the skinny Scottish Doctor number 10 was great as well. Amazingly, his popularity surpassed just about every other Doctor, except maybe #4 Tom Baker. Still, he was great, and his intensity, humor, and energy carried the series along through Rose, Martha, and Donna as sidekicks. The wife loved him. And then, at the height of his popularity, David decided the time was right for him to leave. Allons-y and goodbye. (Yes, I'm stealing again.)
Oooh. Was my wife mad. Me? I was fine. I have been a fan long enough to know how this works. But when I saw the actor they chose for the role, I must admit I was taken aback. He was a skinny, long-faced...well...kid!! Matt Smith was chosen for the role, along with Karen Gillan as Amelia Pond, the new companion. But, despite my somewhat hesitant acceptance, I grew more excited as the first new episode neared.
I won't go into details about the episode. Watch it yourself, for goodness sakes! But I will say the following:
Matt Smith (the Doctor): PRO - Funny (fish fingers and custard after spitting evil beans into the sink), energetic, expressive, with just a tad bit of overconfidence (that appears well-deserved...DUCK!). The swimming pool IS in the library. "Is this world protected?" "Yes." "Now...run" Raggedy Doctor. CON - He's so young! Don't say "hell" so much. Terrible outfit.
Karen Gillan: PRO - Beautiful, great accent, her own person...not the timid scaredy-cat. Love the look on her face as the Doctor was undressing. Priceless! CON - None yet. Really like the character.
Overall, I give the new series very high marks to start. Even the wife has decided she really liked the show and the new Doctor. Now THAT is high praise! If you have never seen the show, watch it, preferably from the season starting with Eccleston. As for me? I'll be in front of the screen, every week, eagerly anticipating whatever comes next. Or, as Matt Smith is fond of saying..."Geronimo!"