Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chiropractors, Insurance, and What the Heck?

I started seeing a chiropractor this week. This isn't something new for me. Since I was in 10th grade I have been seen by these doctors at various times. When you have scoliosis, it can be another source of treatment.

My back has grown progressively worse over the years, to the point where, in the last two weeks, I have been in severe pain that has made it difficult to do anything. So, I checked on the Mighty Google (capitalized for emphasis and required respect) and found an office right down the street from my home. This isn't just any chiropractor. They actually have medical doctors on staff and do physical therapy as well as chiropractic.

It seems that every chiropractic office has little quirks. Some go for homeopathic medicine; others go for machines that, when attached to the shoulders, make you shrug involuntarily for many minutes (I'm unsure what that unpleasant machine was supposed to do); to the current office that uses a newfangled version of the rack to stretch out patients while intensely vibrating the fillings out of their mouths.

However, after going through x-rays and a consult, I found out that the recommended treatment procedure would last for about 38 weeks and cost over $4000. Yes, you read that right. I could get it lowered by a bit for paying cash. Okay. It's still out of range. Before you ask, yes, I have insurance. However, it is Kaiser insurance, which doesn't cover chiropractic. So where does that leave me? Well, I can change insurance companies during open enrollment, which might lower my copayment to something in the $1 - 2000 range (I'm waiting to find out the damages on Monday), but I have to change doctors and pharmacies, as well as go visit the new doctor to get my prescriptions transferred over. It's all a pain, but may be necessary to get some non-surgical relief.

I am, fortunately, one of the lucky ones who has insurance available to him through his employer. There are many who don't have that option. Either they can't get insurance because of a pre-existing condition, or they can't afford it, or whatever. So, they don't get preventative care or don't go to the doctor when their problem is in an early stage...instead, they have to go to the emergency room where the cost skyrockets.

My statement for this blog is as follows: In one form or another, we all pay for medical care for the uninsured right now. The bills going through Congress are trying to make some changes to the way the insurance industry has to operate, but some people are saying that they shouldn't have to pay for the uninsured. Don't you see? You already do! But wouldn't it be cheaper to allow people to see a General Practitioner on a regular basis to avoid serious problems than to wait until these folks hit the emergency room and are admitted to the hospital, where they HAVE to be treated and where the cost rises through the roof? Who pays for that? Again...we do.

Something has to change. For me, it is something as simple as changing plans in January. For others? Who knows.

I think my back is hurting from stress as well as scoliosis. I'm going to go take a Tylenol, lie down, and keep my eyes focused on a brighter future, where insurance won't be necessary, and "no resident will say, 'I am sick'."

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I was asked an interesting question today. I was asked if I haven't written anything because I'm too busy or because I have nothing to write. I had to think about that for a minute. I guess the answer is both.

Things have been very busy lately. Writing parts for meetings and talks is hard enough, but doing it in French is even tougher. Thus, my mind tends to go in that direction. However, I have to say that I really haven't felt much like writing these last few days. I wrote some stuff for my manuscript last week, but then hit the wall. I just got caught up with other things. Add to that the fact that my back has been giving me fits lately, and I just don't have the enthusiasm to write anything. Still, that's not really an excuse, is it?

I called this blog "Time Teaches". In the past, I have included little things that I have learned from experiences, both good and bad. I just wanted to write something short this evening. It is something that I have learned about myself, especially this weekend.

I'm not going into detail, to avoid embarrassing the person or people involved. But I learned that I am more protective of friends than I ever thought. I never really had close friends until recently, and I was never in a position where I was responsible for shepherding others. I have learned that I can be a grizzly bear sometimes when it comes to protecting my own. Is that good or bad? Who knows? But it does mean that there are people out there that I care about very much, and no one, either person or spirit person, had better mess with them on my watch!

That's all. Not much, I know, but I just don't have much to say right now. I'll try to do better next time.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Writing Is Hard

Day two of my "stay home from work and try to get some writing done" experiment. I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in myself and my attention span.

Now, before you get any ideas (Angela), let me say that I did not spend all of my time on Facebook or the like. Actually, the first day I spent some time learning a new program designed for writers called "Scrivener". I went through the tutorial and then realized that I would have to type in everything I had written so far. (The import function wasn't working as smoothly as I had hoped.) As I typed, I made some minor changes, added a few things, subtracted a few things, etc.

By the end of day two, I have redone everything from my blog, and added a bit more. Tomorrow will be a big test. I'm going to try to write a lot of new material, as well as work on my French public talk.

I have also had a lot on my mind, with my situation at work. I think I'm just going to try to continue to work on myself and not let the "others" get my goat. I can't fix them, and I can't let their childish fits get in the way of my well-being. (Easier said than done.)

That having been said, let me rant a bit.

Sports: Do you ever get the feeling that people spend way too much time berating referees and umpires. Sure, they make mistakes. I'd like to see you call balls and strikes in a baseball game for a bunch of millionaire crybabies in front of tens of thousands of raving fans. Or how about being one of three refs running up and down a court all night trying to watch ten guys moving about at the same time? Frankly, I don't think I could do any of the officiating jobs. Heck, just umpiring Little League bit hard. Give 'em a break, and pay them what they're worth. And if they suck...well, if they get paid a lot, then they can handle the verbal abuse, right?

Nobel Prize: isn't like Obama nominated himself.

Fox News: I'm not political, but tell me these guys aren't writing the talking points for the Republicans. I dare you.

Peet's Coffee: I didn't order my beverage "extra hot". Do you have to make it molten lava level every stinking time I order coffee? I mean really. I'm sending you guys my tongue graft bills.

Cable Television: It's true. I thought it was just a joke, but it's true. I have about 400 channels and there is NOTHING on worth watching! Nothing!!

California Politics: Don't you think that when the Legislature's approval rating hit 17% that things would change in this state? I mean, if only 17% of voters approve of the job the government is doing, how do the same people keep getting elected? I think it's because voters blame the politicians in everyone else's districts. Surely it can't be their official's fault, can it?

That's all for now. I'm tired. Sleepy night night time. (See? My writing ability is shot. Start again tomorrow.)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Days Away

I have decided to take a few days away from work. It isn't because I'm going anywhere in particular, but because I'm trying to avoid blowing a gasket and making a bad choice. I've been so frustrated and angry at work lately that I've been tempted to quit and find another job. But I can't afford that, so I have to calm down.

All last week I tried to put on a new face. I tried to be helpful, humble, and polite to all I dealt with. It wasn't easy, especially when certain people went out of their way to be annoying. But I thought I was succeeding pretty well. Until, on the last day of the workweek, it happened. I was trying to get everything done so that I could take a few days off. I was working hard, juggling a couple of projects along with an extra test file run for the sake of the people who were annoying me most. To make a long story short, one of the people I had been "warring" with over the last couple of weeks attacked me sarcastically to a vendor. The reasons are unimportant, but I was busy with something for her department and figured she could work with the vendor on a schedule for her department. But no. She slammed me. I held my tongue, informed my supervisor, and got absolutely no understanding from him. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe the feelings.

Anyway, I have no idea what will happen next. It isn't going well.

So, I decided to stay home for a few days, try to work on a manuscript and a public talk, and come to grips with life.

Maybe I can finish and sell this stupid manuscript and quit my job! HA! And maybe I'll win American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, and Iron Chef in the same month! That is, if I could sing, dance, or cook.

I need a sedative. (Or is it a "sedagive"?)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rude Awakenings

Today was not a good day. I just got a rude awakening, having someone explain to me that the person I want to be is nowhere near the person I show myself to be. Confusing? It can be.

I like to make people laugh. I have always tried to do so with a quick wit, biting humor, and a false front. This false front has caused people to give me the nickname "Oscar", as in "the Grouch". I relished the nickname, as the people who know me understand that it is just an act and it gives them a laugh. At least, so I thought.

After a talk with a manager at my workplace, I have come to the realization that it has become more than an act. It has become me. A grouchy, uncooperative person who thinks he knows best and scares off people rather than attracting them. Yes, I'm a relatively private person who likes his "alone time". But I never wanted to be someone that people purposely avoid, dislike, and think of as a roadblock rather than a problem-solver. But that's what I seem to have become.

The manager told me that I cannot fix things overnight. It is a process that will take giving people confidence one phone call, one office visit, one email at a time. He's right at that. But there's another aspect of this. I didn't know. I didn't know, because no one bothered to tell me face to face. Apparently, they spoke behind my back and never had the courage to face me. I'm not a scary person...or maybe I am. But I have always tried to be upfront with people and let them know if something is wrong. That way, we can fix it. That isn't what happened here. The tension reached a breaking point and I had to pin down this manager in his cubicle and ask him what I was doing wrong. I'm grateful that he had the courage to tell me.

What does this mean? It means that it is time to take matters in hand and fix things, one person at a time. I need to practice what I preach. And that is a literal statement.

I like my friends very much. I don't tend to see their flaws, because I know that I have so many of my own. Because of that, I see the positive far more often than I see the negative. But do I say this? Do I let others know that I appreciate them?

I've been told by those in my congregation that they like how I do things. I've been told that I am approachable. And yet...I'm not. Not at work. Not as much as I should be with my friends.

That needs to change. I'm not sure how yet. I'm not sure if I'm in time, or if it's too late to repair the relationships at work that I have damaged. But in order to preserve what's left of myself, I need to try. I need to look to the Great Exemplar to see how I should act. And I need to apply it.

To those who read this who see the negative in me: I'm sorry. Truly. Be patient with me. I'm a work in progress.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A Quick Thank You

I don't have a lot to say today, except I did want to say the following:

To those who have been reading my blog, who read my manuscript excerpts, and who left constructive comments --- Thank you.

Some people write blogs just to amuse themselves. In fact, I think most people do, because we always wonder if anyone is actually reading them. When someone stops to comment, it can be very rewarding, indeed.

When I decided to write some pieces of "French Bred" (no pun intended on the "pieces" expression), I hoped that maybe someone would get a smile out of it. Aside from some comments over some grammatical errors or a case of redundancy, I also received some very positive words from some folks. In fact, a coworker who was on leave of absence read the excerpts and felt the desire to let me know that she liked what I wrote. I was a bit flustered, and for once in my life didn't know what to say.

I am lousy at accepting praise or even positive reviews. I have never had high self-esteem and have always had issues with accepting complements. So let me just say that even if I hem and haw and don't seem to say much when you give your opinions on my writing, that I truly appreciate every well-thought-out correction, expression of like or dislike, and every complement I receive. I just rarely know how to accept it.

To all who have read: Thanks. Please continue to express yourselves, and turn others toward this blog if you will. I give my word that by the end of this year, I will have taken firm steps toward finishing the manuscript.

Monday, October 05, 2009

It's a Day that Ends In "Y"! Rant Time!

Why do I call this a rant? Usually, it's just miscellaneous thoughts that pop into my somewhat confused and unfocused brain. Still, rant is as good a name as any, I suppose.

Weekend football: Is it so wrong of me that I'm happy that the San Francisco 49ers are 3-1 (and should have been 4-0) while the Dallas Cowboys are 2-2? Probably not. Before the season started, I told a friend that the Niners would finish with at least 9 wins, and the Cowboys would not make the playoffs. Looking good! Still, I never sit down and just watch football anymore. I usually don't have the time. I heard it said during the week, though, that football is such a violent and damaging sport that it should probably be banned. I guess we could ask ourselves if it isn't a bit like the chariot races in ancient Rome, or the Gladiatorial Games. With the lifelong injuries that some of these guys suffer, maybe we should question if it's appropriate to enjoy these events. Sure, there is some spectacular athleticism shown in these games. However, how many stories are we hearing lately where some ex-football player has brain damage, can hardly walk, or dies young because of the injuries sustained playing football? Is it a guilty pleasure watching this sport, or should we just avoid it if we are opposed to violence. Maybe that's why I don't watch it anymore. But then, I shouldn't be cheering on a team, either.

Basketball Preseason: I would be more enthusiastic about this season if the Kings hadn't won a whole 17 games last year. I have doubts that they will do much better this year. Plus, with the bad economy and the threat of the Kings moving elsewhere, it's tough to get excited. But I would love to see a game this year. Just wish I could afford it.

Go Away Jon and Kate Plus 8! I am so sick of reading news reports about these two losers. The only reason they are famous is because they popped out babies and their relationship is dysfunctional. I have an idea. Let Jon go and marry the Octomom. Now THAT'S quality television. NOT.

House: The season opener of House was alright. I decided to withhold judgement until episode 2 of the season. Can it be? Are they getting rid of the final two substitute doctor / assistants? YAY! I particularly didn't like "13". Still, it will be interesting to see how they merge a kinder(?) Doctor House into the premise of the program. The show was based upon his pill-popping, anti-social, throw a solution at the problem and see if it works type doctor. I'll see episode three, with Darth Vader voice James Earl Jones as the guest star. "House. I am your father, House."

Psych: USA Network. Friday nights. 10 pm. Watch it. Or else face my sarcastic wrath!

Eureka: How can a season be like 6 episodes?? You get me hooked in again and the season finale is after 6 episodes? Curse you SyFy! (SciFi?)

Motorcyclists sans Armor: When the vast majority of riders have no armor other than a helmet, you want to just slap them. Idiots.

Old and New Friends: This weekend brought back some old friends who moved across country. They came for a short visit, and I realized how much I missed having them around. On top of that, they brought with them a couple from France for the time they would be here. I am not going to post names here, but they are two of the kindest, funniest, and most enjoyable people I have met in a long time. I'm so glad to have met them and been able to spend some time with them. But I'm still ticked that my long-time friend speaks French so much better than I do! (Yes, I'm jealous, okay?)

That's it for now. I need to go have some lunch and figure out how to get myself in gear to write my manuscript. Crikey, I'm lazy!