Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Whovian...Evermore

It used to be so uncool. In my younger days, friends and schoolmates would ask me what I liked on television. There would be the typical early '80s answers, but then I would pipe up with "Doctor Who". By far the majority would ask, "What the heck is that?" But I would watch episodes on our local PBS affiliate with Tom Baker as the toothy and bescarved Doctor, traipsing throughout time and space in a small blue box, outwitting rubbery fake-looking monsters and overacting evil-doers with panache and an offer of "jelly babies". The writing was always imaginative, though, and the Doctor and his companions were always fun.

Once the 7th actor to play the Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, left the air, there was a long gap in the program's existence until some folks in the U.S. tried a Doctor Who made-for-tv movie with Paul McGann as the Doctor. The movie wasn't great, but it was so wonderful to see the Doctor again that I didn't care. I taped (yes...taped) it and watched it many times.

Fast forward to 6 years ago, when the Doctor returned to the BBC, and Christopher Eccleston took on the role, and the show hasn't looked back. David Tenant and his somewhat out-of-place, enthusiastic cry of allons-y added a huge number of fans, both male and female. Finally, the newest and youngest actor to play the role, Matt Smith, along with Karen Gillan as companion Amy Pond (come along, Pond!) have moved the show into the stratosphere. At the most recent San Diego ComicCon, 6500 fans crowded a room to hear the two stars chat about the program. And that 6500 was standing room only. A coworker attended and loved it. ("She is so thin!")

The show, broadcast over BBC America, constantly draws huge numbers. A recent poll in England determined that the average British person's television show to watch is Doctor Who. The terms "sonic screwdriver", "regeneration", "TARDIS", and "fezzes are cool" are no longer met with blank stares 100 % of the time. Now it's closer to 60%, I suppose. Still, even though I hate the idea of being a "hipster" who loved Doctor Who before Doctor Who was cool, I am happy that I recognized the fun of the show long ago, and take pleasure at seeing each new incarnation of the Doctor. Being a Whovian isn't so strange anymore.

Now, grab yourself a bag of jelly babies, a banana ("bananas are good"), put on your fez or Stetson, and sit down in front of your telly and either grab the dvd for Doctor Who season 1 with Eccleston, or join in when the show returns in August. Old-timers like me will welcome you with open arms.

Even if, upon seeing the show for the first time, you will ask (as all companions and visitors do), "How is the TARDIS bigger on the inside than the outside?" You'll see...and you'll love it.


Angelina Fishy said...

Still waiting for the Who-athon that is supposed to get me started on this show ...

Adam said...


Asia said...

Yay! This is a great post. And as regards Who-athons, I have conducted many such -athons, which means, unfortunately, that I have had to sit through the Slitheen episodes countless times...

But it's still great creating fans, though sometimes I worry I've become a Whovangelist.

Adam said...

Wow. You sat through multiples on the Slitheen? You are brave!

I know you are a "Tennant-ite", but I have to say that Matt Smith has become a definite favorite.

Asia said...

Hey, careful when you say you "know" something about someone! I adore Matt Smith! Seriously! David Tennant is still one of my very favorite actors and Doctors, and I feel his reign was absolutely essential to the surge in popularity the show needed, but Matt Smith just is the Doctor, you know? I mean, it's like a step back into the heart of the character, the way he was always meant to be. I feel like I'm watching a very old man.

Adam said...

I have to admit, Matt Smith has definitely won me over. I was worried that his "youthfulness" would be a distraction, but his energy won me over. Besides...fezzes are cool.