Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time Also Flies - When You're Losing Your Mind

A quick post, since my only reader Asia is quickly losing her grip on reality.

It's been an incredibly busy time, which further explains the lack of posts.  Between insane end of the year work in the payroll department, finishing my Associates' degree in Liberal Arts, fending off boredom and frustration in my Paralegal courses, and dealing with numerous other demands on my time, I haven't had any time at all to post anything.  So, I'm going to take a moment to give some more random thoughts.

Pakistan:  If anyone thinks that the governments of this world can make things better in the long run, just look at what's going on.  Someone assassinates Bhutto for whatever reason, and they think that it makes things better for them.  How?  In the end, violence begets violence and that region is already close to exploding.  

Baseball and HGH:  Boy, Roger Clemens is in a spot.  He says he's innocent of the use of human growth hormones.  But if he sues, then he can be deposed, which means that they can ask him any number of questions under oath.  You just know he doesn't want to do that.  But then, Pete Rose opens his big yap and says that these players have brought shame to the game.  Really, Pete?  And your gambling on baseball while you were a manager was ... what?  Good?  Less harmful?  Shut up, Pete.  You still need to learn that prized behavior, humility.  As for the problem itself, there's no way to go back and look for people to punish.  It won't work.  And Selig can't go on a witch hunt without pointing four fingers back at himself, and another finger at the Players' Union.  Just admit it was a problem, that a large number of players did it, start testing for it and punishing users now, and don't let it happen again.  That's your only option that makes sense.

The Primaries:  Boy am I glad that I don't have any part in the political matters in this country.  I have to admit, though; the humor possibilities are endless.

The Spears Family:  Go away.  I beg you.  Just go away and take Lindsay and Paris with you.  (Side note:  the mothers' book on parenting skills just moved from the "how to" section to the "science fiction" section of your local Borders.)

Writers' Strike:  Does anyone really miss network television?  And when are they going to stop calling shows "reality" series?  Do any one of these idiotic shows even remotely resemble reality?  Besides, I don't think the general public deserves good television if they didn't give Studio 60 on Sunset Strip a fair chance.  What a loss.  If you haven't done so, rent it on Netflix or just go buy it.  Quality television at its best.  Aaron Sorkin, on behalf of the viewing public, I apologize.  Please bring us another great series, but this time put it on a cable channel that will appreciate it.  (Just not HBO...I don't subscribe to it.)

That's all for now.  I'll try to check in again soon, if anyone really cares.  And if anyone reads this, please drop me a comment.  I'd love to read your thoughts.


Asia said...

You can READ THOUGHTS?! Anyway, the assasination was so weird. The day before it happened, I was reading about Bhutto and about how she had avoided all these attempts on her life, and the next day she was gone!

PLEASE LEAVE Parindsapears!! Figure THAT one out.

I, for one, DO miss network television. I never watched NBC before the cancellation of Studio 60, so my grudge didn't last very long, but now I weep for Heroes and The Office...

Adam said...

Now go back and watch the DVDs of the one and only season of Studio 60. Heroes will seem like so much stylized garbage.

What are you waiting for next? The new Knight Rider?

Asia said...

WHY OH WHY do the best shows get canceled after only one season? I mean, HELLO, "Firefly"??

Adam said...

Because the general viewing public doesn't want to have to think when they watch. They just want it spoon-fed to them.

Asia said...

But there's being spoon fed caviar, and then there are hot dogs in a tube. In...theory...