Saturday, August 27, 2005

Classes Start Monday

Well, I just opened up the synopsis for my English class that starts Monday. What have I gotten myself into? I knew it would be literature, I knew it would be a lot of writing...I guess that seeing it all down on paper is just a shock to the system.

I guess the question that I'm asking myself is this: What is the point of this class? I'm 41 years old, I support a family...what good will a class on literature do me? I guess the pat answer is that it will make me a more "rounded" person. The reality probably is a bit different. It is society trying to keep the idea of fine literature, and the ANALYSIS of fine literature alive. With so much of the population turning to quick blurbs on the internet, snippets on television, and single word sentences, we may be losing that spark of creativity that God has granted to us. We have the capacity to expound on a variety of subjects, and share a wealth of emotions. Once we lose that, we lose a bit more of the connection between one person and another.

I suppose this class isn't so useless after all.

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