Tuesday, October 04, 2005

You Can't Have It Both Ways

I was just thinking about the debates that are raging through our public school systems these days. And as I thought about it, I wondered if things aren't getting to the point where our kids are going to suffer. What am I talking about...?

There is this big debate going on as to the teaching of "intelligent design" along side evolution. Now frankly, I am not a believer in evolution, although I used to me. I would be very content if textbooks just stated that evolution is a hypothesis, as there is no way to prove it to be factual by experimentation (which is the basis for scientific reasoning). They could say that there are other hypotheses as well, including intelligent design, creation, etc.

The thing that gets me is that right alongside this is the argument about the pledge of allegience, wherein one side wants "under God" taken out and the other side wants it left in. This is a sore point with me, as various commentators and sociological experts have stated that, in fact, the pledge of allegience is a form of worship to the flag. Those who want "under God" left in are still worshipping a piece of cloth with their mouth, while saying they believe in a Creator on the other side. Either way, this is a form of indoctrination for the kids. Some will say that the kids don't have to say the pledge and that's fine. However, all you have to do is look at the way these kids who don't say the pledge are ostracized by the teachers and the other children to see that it is a difficult thing to do. People want to create a more "inclusive" society for all races and beliefs, but isn't the pledge divisive in that way?

Then there are those who say that people are being patriotic by saying the pledge, and those that don't say it don't love their country. Be real, folks. Would a spy or terrorist have any qualms about saying a pledge in public? Of course not. They would say it, do their dirty work, and laugh that all they had to do was to say some "pledge" to move suspicion away from them. No, the pledge is not a standard for loyalty.

When all is said and done, our kids are being dragged into the middle of a bunch of incredibly selfish people who want things their way and don't want to hear alternatives. Let's keep our eye on the ball everyone. You want what's best for our kids? Improve our schools. Give the kids textbooks and safe environments. Give our kids families who have dinner together instead of running off in a million different directions to soccer practice, dance practice, cheerleading, etc., etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Quit using the kids to further your own agendas and make a name for yourselves. Put their needs, their safety, their emotional well-being, and their futures first.

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