Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rant Time

Okay. It's time for a rant. My topic today: personal responsibility. In this case, the personal responsibility I mean is taking responsibility when you have done something wrong.

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were out and about in our relatively new car. I say relatively because it is 1 1/2 years old, but looks brand new. We get home and I look down near the rear tire and realize that someone has hit our car. Not hard, but hard enough where the other car left paint on our car, the rim was scratched, and the bumper was dented. The dent wasn't bad, but it popped the bumper out of place on one end.

The person that did this had to know that he or she hit my car. Had to! I would like to say that no one is stupid enough that they wouldn't notice, but I'm sure I would be wrong. Anyway, there was no note; no phone number; not even a scribbled "sorry" on a gum wrapper.

I took the car to my repair shop to see if they could pop it back into place. They informed me that they could not do so due to damage to the underside of the bumper. It would have to be replaced at a body shop. I haven't priced it, but you can probably estimate around a grand.

I'm not going to get it repaired right now. I can't afford to blow a thousand dollars on a small thing like this. But where is the person that did it? Where is the personal responsibility for one's actions?

The Bible says that "he who is faithful in little is also faithful in much". If someone is this irresponsible for something like this, would you hire him or her to work for you? Would you trust the person to babysit for you?

Frankly, I'd like to say this as simply and honestly as I can as an open comment to the wrongdoer ( if he or she reads this...or if he or she CAN read): You, sir or madam, are a coward of the first degree. Your insurance might have covered it, or you could have paid for it, or if you were broke, I might have said to forget the whole matter. But instead, you ran. You left without an apology or taking responsibility. You are a wuss and a weasel.

Am I harsh? Maybe. But forgiveness comes with repentance. This person obviously had no intention of taking responsibility for his or her actions, so it seems there is no repentance.

May a weasel get loose in your shorts.

I'm done now.


Abdur said...

That stinks. Happens all the time, however...

Adam said...

Yes. Unfortunately it does.

Asia said...

*scribbles on a gum wrapper* Sorry!

While down in SF this year for convention, I was trying to grab my purse out of the backseat of my car when WHOOSH a huge gust of wind blew the door open, hitting the car next to me. It did VERY little damage, but I ended up leaving a note anyway. It turned out the car belonged to a brother that I had met before in Auburn!

Now I have to do all this research into the wind conditions that night for insurance purposes, but I'm still glad I left the note.