Friday, November 06, 2009

Not Whining....Well, Maybe...

I realize that my posting has gone splat. Believe me, I'm aware of it. Yes, I've been busy. Yes, I will still be busy over the next couple of weeks. But it isn't just "busy-ness" that has kept me from writing here.

Pain is a funny thing. Not funny "ha ha" but funny "odd". I have dealt with back pain for as long as I can recall. I didn't injure my back, but I deal with the effects of scoliosis. It is particularly annoying when the weather changes. You know the image: some old geezer on the front porch in his rocking chair saying, "It's gonna rain. The rheumatism in my knee is acting up." It may sound funny, but it's true. I really can tell when the weather is going to change by the pain in my back.

In this case, though, it isn't changing weather. My lower back is so bad that I can hardly walk at times. As I stated in my last post, I'm going to a chiropractor for it, but so far no big changes. Where am I going with this post?

For some people, pain acts as a focus. They are able to push it aside and really bear down on whatever they are doing. For others, like me, pain makes focus impossible. Add ADD to that and you have a complete meltdown. I am only writing now because I realize that my blog is getting a bit musty. But I am currently walking like Doctor House. (Where's my cane with the flames on it?) There are some who use a cane for sympathy. I'm not one of those. I don't use a cane and I probably should be! Anyway, I think I was writing about pain. I guess what I'm asking for is a bit more patience with this blog, and asking too that no one abandon it. I will write, and I will be working on my manuscript (after I get a French public talk written that is due at the end of the month...).

Anyone got Vicadin?


Angelina Fishy said...

Why Adam, who would use a cane for sympathy? lololol

Have you tried acupuncture or massage therapy? Not just a swedish massage, but something targeted for your condition? Some of these practitioners can do amazing things for pain relief. Just a thought.

Adam said...

Acupuncture never worked for me. Massage can't fix a pinched nerve. I'm stuck with chiro and physical therapy, or a medical doctor, drugs to mask the pain, and possibly surgery. Think I'll stick with the chiro for now.

Angelina Fishy said...

You have drugs? Good ones? You know, sharing is a mark of true friendship. Hey, I know! How about a little birthday present?

Adam said...

No...that's the problem. I DON'T have drugs!

Angelina Fishy said...

Vicoden is useless, anyway. Go for the good stuff if you can. Percoset is nice. Very nice. ;-)