Friday, September 13, 2013

I'm So Glad It's Friday

I'm not going to say TGIF.  Anyone who says that has a misconception on things to be thankful for.

That being said, I am truly glad that it is Friday, because I hope that next week will be better.  Anyway, I think it's time for "Friday Rants" (Registered Trademark pending, Patent Pending, Copyright 2013, etc., etc.)

Let's start with:

Apple:  Well, all of the predictions were true.  Everything from the 5c to the 5s was leaked ahead of time.  Normally, I wouldn't say that either one was so fantastic that I would have to go out and buy one on release day, but since I do "need" a new phone, and since I am now convinced that Android bites big robot butt, I'm going to try to get my greedy little hands on the 5s.  I'm not getting it for something so mundane as the fingerprint sensor or the better camera.  The geek in me likes those things, but the nerd in me also likes the new processing setup and speed.  Nothing incredibly innovative, but still the best smartphone out there.

Tokyo Olympics 2020:  Considering the financial successes of the past however many Olympic games, I have to ask the Japanese delegation: Is this really the wisest use of your money?

Miley Cyrus:  Yes, a lot has been said about the mad twerking bimbette, but I really wonder if, when she left the protection of Disney, she wasn't able to get refills on the prescription medication that kept her from losing her tiny little mind.  Let's see: talentless, trampy, daughter of a semi-famous country singer, various insane escapades...Hey!  She should date Bieber!  Oh wait ... is she gay?  If so, then she can go ahead and date Bieber.

Doctor Who 50th:  New rumor has Peter Davidson (5th Doctor) having a role in the 50th.  Not sure how they'll pull that off, as he has visibly aged a lot since his regeneration.  (Although not as badly as Tom Baker and Collin Baker...sheesh!)  I'm just wondering....Where is Paul McGann???  Doctor #8 needs to have a big role!  That would be fantastic!

Anthony Weiner:  Is he off the stage yet?  Please?

That's it for today!  More next week!

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