Monday, May 07, 2007

France Has Chosen

I just finished listening to the BBC World Report. They had a special edition on the French elections. After hearing the different reactions from the French politicos and people, I have a few thoughts to relate:

1) Nicolas Sarkozy is a driven man. He has wanted the presidency for a long time, and now he has it. There have been some negative comparisons to Napoleon - a short man driven to rule - and feel that while negative, they do have some merit. Not the "short" part, mind you, but the driven part. Even though Napoleon is viewed by many today as a crazy, power-hungry loon, the fact is that Napoleon was largely responsible for the look of Paris today, as well as the Codes that are still used to govern France. Sarkozy is driven, that's for sure. But no one can really say what direction he will ultimately take the country. One of the main problems that he sees in France is the business climate, and he sees that as causing many other problems that are offshoots from that one. He isn't wrong. When a country has high unemployment and bored youth, as well as poor immigrants who can't find work, there are bound to be social and criminal problems. Put people to work, and problems diminish. The only way that will happen is to remove some of the burdens that the Socialist governments have put on business. That's one of Sarkozy's main goals. Will he be able to implement it? That leads to item #2.

2) The Leglislative elections that are coming up are vital for any chance of success for Sarkozy's programs. If the French really wanted Sarkozy to do something, then the people are going to have to follow up the presidential elections with a legislative group that is in favor of change. The problem with France's multi-party system is that it is very difficult for the Assembly to speak with a single voice, or even two voices. The multitude of platforms makes it tough for a leader to get what he needs to implement policy. Sarkozy needs a majority to make it happen.

3) The Socialists still don't get it. Listening to the comments of one of the Socialist leaders, I realize that they don't really see what's happening. They see France as a left-leaning country and Sarkozy as a dangerous villain. But when asked if they need to change, the interviewee stated that they need to examine the reasons for the loss, but just need to find a new candidate with experience. Hello? Are you hearing what the people are telling you? They are tired of eight percent unemployment! They are tired of strikes interfering with their daily lives! The Socialist agenda didn't work. That isn't to say that Sarkozy's agenda will. No human government can ultimately succeed, because humans aren't capable of guiding their own steps, as the Bible tells us. Still, this is three losses in a row for the Socialists. If a dog gets swatted on the nose with a newspaper often enough, he learns not to use the carpeting as his personal toilet. The Socialists have been swatted several times now. They need to stop wetting themselves and take an honest look at their failures.

OK...enough politics. I'm sick of it. This old system keeps proving the Bible's point and that we need the Kingdom to rule. Want more proof? The Dems and Republicans have been debating in the U.S. Watch...learn...gag...


Asia said...

*gag* Profound, yes?

Adam said...

Truly so. I feel that words are not always enough. Sometimes sound effects are far more eloquent.

Asia said...

Gotta love onomatopoeia!

Adam said...

I don't GOTTA love it....but really, I do.