Monday, May 14, 2007

Studio 60, We Hardly Knew Ye

Well, NBC has completed their journey to the dark side. They have gone completely over to the side of inanity and gimmickry and announced the cancellation of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. What have they decided to keep? Well, you can be thrilled with more episodes of shows like Deal or No Deal. Even Heroes, which is higher quality than Deal, is still more geared towards shock value than quality, but at least there are a few redeeming features.

Why the big deal about Studio 60? Let me take you back in time. Way back in the "old days", there was a little show with a little following. In many cases, this show would have been canceled, but NBC decided to give it time to find an audience, because the president of the network thought that quality should count for something. The title of that series was Hill Street Blues, and it did find an audience and became one of the most appreciated police dramas in television. Want another example? How about a show that focused on the happenings in the White House? It was given time to find its legs, and became another hit. It was a quality show that assumed that the public was smart enough to "get it". That show was, of course, The West Wing, an Aaron Sorkin masterpiece.

Sorkin came back this season with another intelligent series, with witty, quick-moving banter and story lines. Instead of giving it a chance to find its audience, NBC kept pre-empting it with other programs (a special Deal or No Deal??) and making people go weeks between episodes. Is it any wonder that it couldn't find an audience? Now, after no opportunity whatsoever, NBC is pulling the plug.

What does this tell us about network television? It tells us that corporations are running the networks with nothing more than dollar signs in their eyes and no concern about quality. Is it really a surprise that cable networks are killing the free networks? It isn't because they have more money or sponsors. It's because they take a chance on quality. Shows like Monk, Psych, or even Mythbusters wouldn't have a chance on NBC, but are huge hits for USA and Discovery. Frankly, I'm insulted that NBC thinks that my intelligence is lower than theirs. I long for the days when a network president would give quality a chance. I miss West Wing.'ve lost a viewer.

Let's be careful out there.


Asia said...

The Golden Age is over, my friend. The only reason I can think that "Studio 60" would be compromised would be the fact that there is a show with a similar premise out there: "Thirty Rock". It's a funny show, but I am sure written completely different from "Studio 60", which I admit I never watched. I hardly ever watch NBC, except for "Heroes" and such, because I HATE "Deal or no Deal"! I can't believe that is outliving "60".

Adam said...

Yes, it was pretty idiotic to place Thirty Rock on the same network. Studio 60 was as intelligently written as West Wing, and I think one of the big problems is that people actually have to listen to the dialogue to really get the information. It may just be too much work for folks who want 60 second snippets of info.