If you ask anyone who really knows me, they will tell you that I have a very long fuse. I may get annoyed, but I rarely get angry. Last evening, a comment to one of my blog postings got me to that point.
Those who read my blog may recall my posting of a few days ago. It was a few thoughts about the death of someone with whom I worked, and my sorrow for her husband who I had worked with and who did some extra landscaping work for me.
I was merely expressing my feelings for the loss that her husband was going through and my hopes that people would think about this when they are considering running a yellow or red light. (Please note that I never implied that it was the lady who ran the light. In fact, I am pretty much convinced that she was in the right and it was the other driver who did so.)
Here was the comment of the person who didn't even sign their name:
Adam, I am troubled by your psoting and use of a dear freinds loss as a reason to promote any agenda. Janis was an amazing woman and one I was proud to call my dear freind for over 35 years. She was sweet and precious in our Lords eyes and a dear wife to Tony. She is greatly missed and is and will always be greatly loved. As aChristian I know I will see Jan aagain in heaven and our Lord is holding her now. Please respect her life and her family's loss.
If you check my posting, nowhere within it was I promoting an agenda. Nowhere did I disrespect her life or her family's loss. On the contrary, I was saddened by the loss. Perhaps this anonymous person was upset that I mentioned that her husband was a Roman Catholic. I did so to point out that people of different faiths can still have friendships and can care about one another.
As for Anonymous' need to state that he or she is "aChristian" who will "see Jan aagain in heaven and our Lord is holding her now", that sounds like an agenda to me. I am not going to quote scripture and verse at this person. That wasn't my point. But frankly, I am deeply annoyed that someone would anonymously preach at me and accuse me of using someone's death to promote an agenda, when their comment was more geared towards that than mine was.
If I have something to say, I do so, and I do so with my name attached to it. I'm not going to slam this anonymous person or attack his or her belief structure or anything like that. I'm just going to say congratulations. You did what few people can do. You annoyed me to the point of anger by your hypocritical commentary. The good thing is, my anger never lasts long and I'm fine now. I just felt the need to post to remind people that you are more than welcome to your opinion, and I will always post comments, even when they are contrary to mine. Free exchange of ideas is very important to me. Just remember to sign your name. In the future, I will definitely hesitate to post comments that don't have a name attached.
And to the person that posted: I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry for Tony's loss. And I look forward to a day when such terrible incidents will never take place again.
Hey Adam I am so sorry to hear, not only about the loss but also about the inconsiderate comments from others. I would love to voice my opinion about Mr/Mrs Anonymous but in the long run it does no good (in fact it only makes matters worse) but I am glad you are handling it well. (through the pain and frustration of the entire situation)
Adam, anyone who knows you at all, knows what a kind, sensitive person you are. Anyone would know you were not trying to add to Tony's pain. Shame on Anonymous for assuming the worst.
I'm curious to see if Anonymous will rear their obviously biased head again, or if they've realized how foolish their posting was. I understand saying things in the heat of the moment, but when you take the time to actually type it out, you'd think it'd be a little more well thought-out (and spelled).
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