Friday, July 05, 2013

Happy 4th ... you idiots

We set a record yesterday.  Our area had its 7th day in a row with temperatures over 105 degrees.

Let us bow our heads for a minute of silence for my sweat glands.

One can only imagine just how dry the grasses and trees are in the general area.  All it takes is a spark to start a nasty fire.  So, imagine my lack of surprise when I see illegal fireworks shooting overhead and exploding in a shower of pyrotechnics.  Follow that up with exploding M-80s and other forms of miniature dynamite and we have the makings for a disaster.  Fortunately, our place of worship and my house was spared any catastrophe of this kind, but I do have a message to the mouth-breathers out there who think their antics were clever: you are idiots, morons, self-centered knuckle-draggers who deserve a swift kick in the seat of the pants.

Let's face it...people who use illegal fireworks are nothing more than selfish jerks, who think that their own visual pleasure and excitement torn from doing something illegal trumps the safety and well-being of others.  That's what it comes down to in the end.  And frankly, that kind of person shouldn't possess explosives anyway, but particularly when they are no doubt loaded up with Budweiser or some other form of colored water containing alcohol.

You can celebrate so-called Independence Day if you want to, although I do wonder if you really can claim independence when you have the NSA on your phone, computer, and probably your showerhead.  But leave the explosives to the military.  Leave the pyrotechnics to the pros.

Although even the pros have problems.  Just do a search on the fireworks accidents that happened yesterday.  If these professionals can't go error free, what makes you nincompoops with the bottle rockets think that you can do better?  Take your selfish, ooohing and aaahing and burping, illegal explosive launching selves and go somewhere where you can't harm anyone.  I hear Death Valley is nice in the summertime.

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