Tuesday, October 02, 2007

AT&T Makes Things Right With Me

A couple of days ago I complained about AT&T and their website. As of this morning, my feelings had gotten even worse.

I went online to their upgrade site and clicked on the chat button. I tried to communicate my questions to the person on the other end, but the tech simply did a typical cut-and-paste response and didn't respond to any of my questions. Then, she ignored my follow-up postings and then closed the chat.

Annoyed as can be, I decided to try calling AT&T again, although my past discussions about the subject matter had been fruitless. (Yes, it does sound like I was banging my head against the wall.) However, lo and behold, I spoke with someone who actually heard what I was saying. She not only acknowledged the logic in my statements, but made things right! I now have the phones that I wanted for my son and wife on the way, and I have to say that AT&T Business Services showed a human side that many cell phone companies lack.

Before this, I had good experiences with this part of the company, and was distressed that suddenly things were not going as well, but my faith has been restored. I can hereby state that I am still a customer and will be so for another two years. Thanks AT&T. It's nice when something like this happens and a company shows appreciation for a loyal customer. (Now I just have to wait for a month or so and treat myself to an iPhone as a grad present!)

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