Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Television Tastes

I hate most reality shows. I really do. Things like American Idol, America's Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance, America's Really Annoying (I made that last one up, but I think it would be a hit, don't you?) are all knock-offs of the same basic idea: if I can get in front of a camera and not make a complete and total idiot of myself, I can be famous! And people watch. I mean really, what's the point of "I Survived a Japanese Game Show!"? It feels like these shows are just dumbing down the viewing audience.

A while ago, I ranted about the cancellation of a smart and clever show: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. If you haven't watched it, rent (or buy) the DVDs. It's another Aaron Sorkin show, and it was brilliant. The problem was, in my opinion, that it was just too smart for the room. People wanted mindless drivel over something that involved some thought. "Oh good! Simon Cowell is insulting another bad singer! Let's record that so we can watch it again!"

So what's on my DVR these days? Mindless drivel? times. But shows like that are akin to dessert. It's okay once in a while, but you can't survive on it. The shows on my list right now are:

Doctor Who - Always clever, always smart, always fun.
Psych - Again, clever and smart with references you have to listen for, while still being hilarious.
Top Gear - BBC's car show, with three hosts who look like they absolutely have a blast working and playing together. It's silly at times, but they show some awesome cars and I can watch the show over and over again and long for more.
Burn Notice - This is more my son's thing, but I have to admit that the writing is pretty smart.
Deadliest Catch - Very guilty pleasure. I'm not sure why I'm addicted to this show, but I am. It's the same basic thing every week - catch crab - but the sheer effort of doing the job just boggles my mind.
Mythbusters - Another guilty pleasure. I don't watch it every week, but it's always fun.
Fort Boyard - Not on very often, and only on the French channel TV5, but I get into this show! It involves a group of athletes or celebrities completing challenges to win money for their chosen charity. It isn't mindless, but it involves brains, athleticism, and overcoming fears.

Anyway, that's what I watch. I will also catch Poirot or Miss Marple whenever it is on, and will throw on BBC America News to find out what is really going on in the world, but that's about it. It amazes me that I can scan the million channels on my digital cable box and find absolutely nothing worth watching. Here's hoping that Aaron Sorkin comes back to television and that people kick-start their brains into watching something that doesn't involve bad singing, vampires, or sex and violence. Fat chance.


Anonymous said...

Hey - have you heard about the latest reality show? The premise is: vampires singing off-key about their latest romantic encounter, and the losers get shot on the spot. Sounds awesome!

Adam said...

Oooh...that sounds interesting. But would the vampires die from being shot? Wouldn't you have to shoot them with a wooden stake gun?

Anonymous said...

Garlic cannon - modified from a potato gun.

Good times.

Adam said...

Now THAT'S funny! And well worth watching. Someone call NBC.

Angelina Fishy said...

I must agree with you about so-called 'reality' TV. Just stupid. I'll have to check out Studio 60. I like things that require a bit of brains to watch. Not too much, mind you. Just a bit.

Dawnee said...

Okay, Fort Boyard IS a reality tv show, silly ; P And what about when the girls have to cross on the spinning barrels? Total boob shot action, and hanging in midair on a bungee swinging to get a key? Completely high class intelligent tv right there. At least the people on So You Think You Can Dance actually have talent. If you doubt it, lets hire a choreographer and see how well the average human population does with it. Burn Notice- I will try limit myself to one sentence with this one- bad filming (maybe they spent the money on the writers???) and what's with him stopping every two seconds to give us the daily double on what's happening on the show- obviously aimed at slower audiences. :) Not to say that all the shows I watch are exercising my brain- but then again, i never claimed they did... :)

Tami G said...

Hey...I like Fort Boyard..=)

Adam said...

Okay Dawnee...first of all, I said I had a couple of guilty pleasures. Deadliest Catch is a reality show, too. However, neither DC or FB recruit people (or encourage people) to embarrass themselves for the sole purpose of being mocked on national television. I never said that all of the contestants on the American Idol-type shows were talentless. I'm sure some are quite good. However, as you no doubt read, I was attacking the genre as a whole! My question stands: where have the smart programs gone?

Adam said...

As for Burn Notice...the filmed style is a choice. Not my cup of tea, either. The running dialogue is another choice. Some like it, some don't. But it tends to be intelligent and funny. Out of curiosity, how many episodes of Burn Notice have you watched? If only a couple, then you aren't really following the show. If a lot...then you must like it!

Dawnee said...

seems to be adouble standard with your reality tv standards, silly ;P and as for how many Burn Notice Shows I've watched? too many :)

Adam said...

Actually, the reality shows I watch have some intelligence behind them. They don't rely on catch phrases like, "That was absolutely dreadful", or, "You're fired!" Bleah. use the word "silly" a lot, don'tcha?

Asia said...

Doctor Who--always THE BEST SHOW EVER!!

Adam said...

Well, I don't know about best show EVER, but it's right up there. As Doctor #9 says: "Fantastic!"

Anonymous said...
