Monday, October 05, 2009

It's a Day that Ends In "Y"! Rant Time!

Why do I call this a rant? Usually, it's just miscellaneous thoughts that pop into my somewhat confused and unfocused brain. Still, rant is as good a name as any, I suppose.

Weekend football: Is it so wrong of me that I'm happy that the San Francisco 49ers are 3-1 (and should have been 4-0) while the Dallas Cowboys are 2-2? Probably not. Before the season started, I told a friend that the Niners would finish with at least 9 wins, and the Cowboys would not make the playoffs. Looking good! Still, I never sit down and just watch football anymore. I usually don't have the time. I heard it said during the week, though, that football is such a violent and damaging sport that it should probably be banned. I guess we could ask ourselves if it isn't a bit like the chariot races in ancient Rome, or the Gladiatorial Games. With the lifelong injuries that some of these guys suffer, maybe we should question if it's appropriate to enjoy these events. Sure, there is some spectacular athleticism shown in these games. However, how many stories are we hearing lately where some ex-football player has brain damage, can hardly walk, or dies young because of the injuries sustained playing football? Is it a guilty pleasure watching this sport, or should we just avoid it if we are opposed to violence. Maybe that's why I don't watch it anymore. But then, I shouldn't be cheering on a team, either.

Basketball Preseason: I would be more enthusiastic about this season if the Kings hadn't won a whole 17 games last year. I have doubts that they will do much better this year. Plus, with the bad economy and the threat of the Kings moving elsewhere, it's tough to get excited. But I would love to see a game this year. Just wish I could afford it.

Go Away Jon and Kate Plus 8! I am so sick of reading news reports about these two losers. The only reason they are famous is because they popped out babies and their relationship is dysfunctional. I have an idea. Let Jon go and marry the Octomom. Now THAT'S quality television. NOT.

House: The season opener of House was alright. I decided to withhold judgement until episode 2 of the season. Can it be? Are they getting rid of the final two substitute doctor / assistants? YAY! I particularly didn't like "13". Still, it will be interesting to see how they merge a kinder(?) Doctor House into the premise of the program. The show was based upon his pill-popping, anti-social, throw a solution at the problem and see if it works type doctor. I'll see episode three, with Darth Vader voice James Earl Jones as the guest star. "House. I am your father, House."

Psych: USA Network. Friday nights. 10 pm. Watch it. Or else face my sarcastic wrath!

Eureka: How can a season be like 6 episodes?? You get me hooked in again and the season finale is after 6 episodes? Curse you SyFy! (SciFi?)

Motorcyclists sans Armor: When the vast majority of riders have no armor other than a helmet, you want to just slap them. Idiots.

Old and New Friends: This weekend brought back some old friends who moved across country. They came for a short visit, and I realized how much I missed having them around. On top of that, they brought with them a couple from France for the time they would be here. I am not going to post names here, but they are two of the kindest, funniest, and most enjoyable people I have met in a long time. I'm so glad to have met them and been able to spend some time with them. But I'm still ticked that my long-time friend speaks French so much better than I do! (Yes, I'm jealous, okay?)

That's it for now. I need to go have some lunch and figure out how to get myself in gear to write my manuscript. Crikey, I'm lazy!


Angelina Fishy said...

I hate to burst your 'House' bubble, but Jennifer Morrison is leaving the cast, so Dr. Cameron is out.
I totally agree with you on 'Eureka'. I just started watching it a few months ago via Netflix, and got all caught up (3 seasons!)just in time for the season to end. Grrr! I know it's the whole Syfy (idiotic name change) split-season thing, but still ...

Adam said...

Cameron is out?? Why?? I was hoping the original three were back! Twits!!!

Asia said...

Don't give in!! SciFi Forever!!!

Are you kidding me? I ADORED the House opener! So good! SO MUCH character development. LOVE

Adam said...

Doctor Who will now only be shown on BBC America, from what I hear. Also, I really didn't like the opener of House that much, but the episode with James Earl Jones was quite good.