Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A Quick Thank You

I don't have a lot to say today, except I did want to say the following:

To those who have been reading my blog, who read my manuscript excerpts, and who left constructive comments --- Thank you.

Some people write blogs just to amuse themselves. In fact, I think most people do, because we always wonder if anyone is actually reading them. When someone stops to comment, it can be very rewarding, indeed.

When I decided to write some pieces of "French Bred" (no pun intended on the "pieces" expression), I hoped that maybe someone would get a smile out of it. Aside from some comments over some grammatical errors or a case of redundancy, I also received some very positive words from some folks. In fact, a coworker who was on leave of absence read the excerpts and felt the desire to let me know that she liked what I wrote. I was a bit flustered, and for once in my life didn't know what to say.

I am lousy at accepting praise or even positive reviews. I have never had high self-esteem and have always had issues with accepting complements. So let me just say that even if I hem and haw and don't seem to say much when you give your opinions on my writing, that I truly appreciate every well-thought-out correction, expression of like or dislike, and every complement I receive. I just rarely know how to accept it.

To all who have read: Thanks. Please continue to express yourselves, and turn others toward this blog if you will. I give my word that by the end of this year, I will have taken firm steps toward finishing the manuscript.


Angelina Fishy said...

Woo hoo! I feel chapter 3 coming on ...

Adam said...

Probably not on the blog, though. I'll be working on the manuscript. Don't'll be one of the people I send an early copy to for review.

Angelina Fishy said...

Yes, I know you're not going to be posting more of it. I don't care how I get it, as long as I get it! ;-)
Seriously though, I think if you were writing it from another viewpoint (overly confident), it might come off very differently than it does. You very nicely tread the line between gentle sarcasm with some irony and out-and-out mocking of a culture.

Adam said...

I mock lots of things, but when it comes to French culture vs. American culture, I will never lose my respect for the fact that cultures become what they are through a process. I hate to use the word "evolve", but in this case it fits. French and American cultures have evolved differently. It doesn't make one better than the other...just different. And in differences, we get silliness, mistakes, and fun. Nothing wrong with that, right?

Asia said...

are you better at taking correction than...compliments? compliments?! sorry, i hate correcting spelling, but this is a common mistake, and you said it twice, so it was just enough to irk my OCD to the point where i couldn't ignore it in good conscience! (compliment/complement...i'm sure you know the difference, but...

possibly bipolar?

...I have too many disorders to do these things right)

and on that note: i am also terrible at taking compliments. especially in person. all too often, i mouth the word "thanks", but no sound comes out. it is ridiculous.

Adam said...

Yeah, yeah. Pick on the poor guy just trying to get words onto the page. This is just a blog, for cryin' out loud!

Still, I try to spell correctly. Sometimes I just get typing too fast and everything goes ca-ca. You know what I lsueoowknoudpouoiudfoiuasdiofadfid?