Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Writing Is Hard

Day two of my "stay home from work and try to get some writing done" experiment. I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in myself and my attention span.

Now, before you get any ideas (Angela), let me say that I did not spend all of my time on Facebook or the like. Actually, the first day I spent some time learning a new program designed for writers called "Scrivener". I went through the tutorial and then realized that I would have to type in everything I had written so far. (The import function wasn't working as smoothly as I had hoped.) As I typed, I made some minor changes, added a few things, subtracted a few things, etc.

By the end of day two, I have redone everything from my blog, and added a bit more. Tomorrow will be a big test. I'm going to try to write a lot of new material, as well as work on my French public talk.

I have also had a lot on my mind, with my situation at work. I think I'm just going to try to continue to work on myself and not let the "others" get my goat. I can't fix them, and I can't let their childish fits get in the way of my well-being. (Easier said than done.)

That having been said, let me rant a bit.

Sports: Do you ever get the feeling that people spend way too much time berating referees and umpires. Sure, they make mistakes. I'd like to see you call balls and strikes in a baseball game for a bunch of millionaire crybabies in front of tens of thousands of raving fans. Or how about being one of three refs running up and down a court all night trying to watch ten guys moving about at the same time? Frankly, I don't think I could do any of the officiating jobs. Heck, just umpiring Little League bit hard. Give 'em a break, and pay them what they're worth. And if they suck...well, if they get paid a lot, then they can handle the verbal abuse, right?

Nobel Prize: Sheesh...it isn't like Obama nominated himself.

Fox News: I'm not political, but tell me these guys aren't writing the talking points for the Republicans. I dare you.

Peet's Coffee: I didn't order my beverage "extra hot". Do you have to make it molten lava level every stinking time I order coffee? I mean really. I'm sending you guys my tongue graft bills.

Cable Television: It's true. I thought it was just a joke, but it's true. I have about 400 channels and there is NOTHING on worth watching! Nothing!!

California Politics: Don't you think that when the Legislature's approval rating hit 17% that things would change in this state? I mean, if only 17% of voters approve of the job the government is doing, how do the same people keep getting elected? I think it's because voters blame the politicians in everyone else's districts. Surely it can't be their official's fault, can it?

That's all for now. I'm tired. Sleepy night night time. (See? My writing ability is shot. Start again tomorrow.)


Angelina Fishy said...

I wasn't going to say anything, Adam. I don't expect new stuff until tomorrow. I can be semi-reasonable. ;-)

Since you have your own office, could you listen to music? I'm a much happier worker if I have my 'tunes'.

I understand about work stress, believe me. I referred to my last boss as the email-nazi. She would peer around corners to see what I was doing, and comment if she felt my emails were too long. 'Obviously nothing work-related took that long of an e-mail.' She would also 'stalk' me around the office building. If I was filing in another section, she would periodically cruise past to make sure I was working. I was completing not only all my assigned tasks, but also some of her work as well, but I guess I needed to be watched so I didn't loaf. Yeesh.

Adam said...

I listen to "tunes" in my office. It doesn't help when you catch crap from HR for your "attitude", even when you're trying to do better and they are unprofessional in their emails and dealings with you There's only so much that "tunes" can do.

Anonymous said...

Legislature? Two words: Gerry. Mander.

I read recently that CA is looking to change congressional district boundary lines to correct some of the gerrymandering sometime soon. Who knows if it will actually happen.

Adam said...

Do you honestly believe that California will get ANYTHING right?

Asia said...

Man, I HATE when I spend several minutes scrolling through channels, and there is NOTHING on!!