Sunday, October 25, 2009


I was asked an interesting question today. I was asked if I haven't written anything because I'm too busy or because I have nothing to write. I had to think about that for a minute. I guess the answer is both.

Things have been very busy lately. Writing parts for meetings and talks is hard enough, but doing it in French is even tougher. Thus, my mind tends to go in that direction. However, I have to say that I really haven't felt much like writing these last few days. I wrote some stuff for my manuscript last week, but then hit the wall. I just got caught up with other things. Add to that the fact that my back has been giving me fits lately, and I just don't have the enthusiasm to write anything. Still, that's not really an excuse, is it?

I called this blog "Time Teaches". In the past, I have included little things that I have learned from experiences, both good and bad. I just wanted to write something short this evening. It is something that I have learned about myself, especially this weekend.

I'm not going into detail, to avoid embarrassing the person or people involved. But I learned that I am more protective of friends than I ever thought. I never really had close friends until recently, and I was never in a position where I was responsible for shepherding others. I have learned that I can be a grizzly bear sometimes when it comes to protecting my own. Is that good or bad? Who knows? But it does mean that there are people out there that I care about very much, and no one, either person or spirit person, had better mess with them on my watch!

That's all. Not much, I know, but I just don't have much to say right now. I'll try to do better next time.


Tami G said...

Great to see the pen hit the paper once again! =)
Sorry your back has been giving you fits. Hope you feel better soon. Your comments today reminded me of something Sam always tells me. He says that sheparding is his favorite job as an elder. It's always nice to know that the elders care.

Angelina Fishy said...

Our little 'visit' had quite interesting repercussions, didn't it.