However, that's to come. As for now, I'm just going to place a bit of updated information here.
Today is "kitteh day" in our household. Our rescue kittehs are here, and they have refused to be timid and wait in the single room that we had set aside for them. Instead, they decided that running down stairs and investigating everything was far more fun.
They are still a bit skittish when it comes to noises and being held, but as time goes by we hope that they will relax and become people cats. They already have some of those inclinations, and after the newness wears off, I'm sure they will let it show.
What have I learned about kittehs so far? First of all...poop stinks. Even with deodorizing litter. It stinks. But it isn't as bad as the bathrooms at work can smell, so that's good.
Second, they are indeed "kittehs". I use this spelling as a salute to the "ICanHazCheezburger" website. These two, Jezza and Stig, are already showing major personalities and I can see lots of photo ops in the future. They are nuts and are truly of child/adolescent age, and will attack anything within the immediate area that needs attacking.
Finally, I wish I hadn't waited so long to get cats again. I forgot how wonderful it is to see these creatures at play, and while they can be a pain in the keister, they are also well worth the effort. So, the "kitteh years" begin in our household.
By the way, if you are interested in very helpful information about cats, be sure to check and search for the section written by Frannie Syufy. It's quite good.
Back to the kittehs, and watch this space for the vacation observation complications.