Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Why Should Sacramento Care About the Kings?

You know, I've seen reports of a couple of attorneys trying to stop the building of a new downtown arena because they say that all of the information hasn't been presented to the public.  OK.  First off, is that your real reason, or is it that you're trying to get some air time for your firms?  Second of all, why don't you do that for every budget item that the city puts into play?  Why now?  Third ... stop it.  Stop your posturing and self-aggrandizing behavior.

There is nothing wrong with Sacramento investing in its downtown area.  That part of town should be vibrant and filled with shoppers.  Right now, it's nothing.

When people ask me what there is to do in Sacramento, my first answer is usually, "Uhhhhh.  Old Sacramento?  Crocker Museum?"  What else?  How about an arena to see a show or concert, restaurants and businesses that are modern and interesting, or just an area that isn't dying?

I have always cheered the Kings, mainly because they are the hometown team.  I don't fault anyone else for cheering for their team or berate them for doing so.  But it's nice to see "Sacramento" on jerseys.  And it will be cool to point to a newly alive downtown and say that Sacramento is more than a cowtown.  It's a city.

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