Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Whatever Will I Do?

Well, the series that I watch regularly are on summer break now.  I may seem like a tv addict, but in reality there are only a few shows that I watch weekly.  Since these shows are done for the season, I have to consider what to do for a hobby while I wait for them to return.

1)  Exercise:  While my wife and son would like me to do this regularly, I can't find anything to keep me doing this with the frequency required for benefit.  If anyone has reasonable ideas, I'd like to hear them, but remember that I have ADD and am easily frustrated and bored with exercise.  Chances of this happening: 5%.

2)  Alligator Wrestling:  No.  I hate reptiles.

3)  Studying for a new career:  Possible.  I do have some continuing education units I have to finish, and once I get those done, a job change is a possibility, but not likely.

4)  Writing:  I should.  I really should.  Setting aside 30 minutes a day to write shouldn't be a big issue.  Sigh...

5)  Laziness:  Chances - Very high


Angelina Fishy said...

Write. The. Book.

Angelina Fishy said...

Write. The. Book.