Thursday, September 27, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

We all have them; guilty pleasures in the area of reading material or viewing material that we really like but may be a bit embarrassed to admit that we like. Well, no more hiding. I am about to admit publicly some of my guilty pleasures in books and movies.

Let me start with a series that I am currently reading. In fact, I'll list a couple by the same author. His name is Lawrence Block, and the two series are the Evan Tanner and Bernie Rhodenbarr series. Evan Tanner is the "Spy Who Couldn't Sleep". Without going into too much detail, Tanner took some shrapnel in the Korean War which destroyed the sleep center of his brain. He spends that extra time learning languages and writing doctorate thesis papers for paying students. He got roped into secret government work, and the books are about his adventures. To bring him to our day, Block had to use cryogenics. (You see why this is a guilty pleasure?) The Bernie Rhodenbarr series starts with "Burglars Can't Be Choosers", as Bernie is a burglar turned bookseller who can't give up his old profession. He frequently has to use his skills to get the cops off his case when he gets accused of other crimes. Both series are fun, even if they do stretch credibility a bit.

Other favorites include books by Christian Jacq (especially the Ramses series), Agatha Christie (go Poirot!), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock rules), and (here's the extremely guilty one) Pride and Prejudice.

Oh, man...I could go on for weeks about movies. I think I'll just list a bunch rather than go into details (in no particular order):
Support Your Local Sheriff
Real Genius
Hot Shots Part Deux
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Cats Don't Dance (animated and a salute to Gene Kelly)
An American in Paris
Singin' In The Rain
Asterix: Mission Cleopatra (in French)

I must admit, I don't feel guilty about many of these...unless you count Cats Don't Dance and numerous other cartoons (Animaniacs, Cars, Incredibles, among others). Still, try some if you haven't seen them. And don't worry...I won't tell anyone.

1 comment:

Asia said...

Ok, of this subject I am Queen: I once wanted a part in 10 Little Indians so badly I almost followed the pattern in the story. Airplane and Monty Python are true guilty pleasures. One of my semi-related ones is an anime-cartoon about a guy who has been shrunk by a mysterious drug into the body of a kid who calls himself Conan and solves mysteries. (Don't knock it!) It's called Case Closed. I am SO HAPPY someone else likes Cats Don't Dance!!!!!!!! (Huge Gene Kelly fan!) And Singing in the Rain is one of my all time favorites! So don't feel too guilty!