Thursday, September 13, 2007

Second Guessing

The title of this post should in no way be construed as meaning my decision to post every day. This is actually good for me, if not for anyone else.

I have signed up for extension courses in a local university which, upon completion, will point me towards a different line of work. Sounds cool, doesn't it? Yeah, well I'm having those old second-guessing, self-doubting heebie-jeebies. The new career is beginning to sound too much like the old one, and the whole point is to get out of the old one!

As I analyze the situation, a very solid truth keeps rising up before me: I don't want to do any of these jobs. Except one. You guessed it. I want to write. But reality sticks its little nose into my business and reminds me that there are a lot of writers out there, and it's tough to make it in the field. Even if you do, it's tough to make ends meet. What to do...what to do?

I guess what I have to do is gut this out. I need to finish the training for the new career, use my old career as a fall-back option if I don't like the new one, and get serious about writing. Until I get serious, I'll never know if I could make it. So, bring on the paralegal courses (yawn)...

...and get out the laptop, pad of paper and pen, and start doing what you've always wanted to do. Yes sir, right away sir.

Here's to seeing things clearly, and a wife that helps me to do so.

1 comment:

Asia said...

I understand COMPLETELY! All I want to do is illustrate books. It hurts that I'll have to do menial jobs in the meantime, as I try to find a way into this highly competitive field. I wrote and illustrated an historical children's book for my senior project, which was HARD, but it recieved good reviews, (even though I did it in 2 weeks), so I think I could do it. My advice for YOU is to read the book, "Bird by Bird". It is a funny (mind the occasional foul language!)book that gives a good idea of the writing process, including the need to write everyday and the need for a...bad rough draft. Just write every chance you get. You can always refine later when you have the time and someone who can help you do what you want to do. And remember: You literally have all of eternity.