Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Next Step in the Search and...the Doctor!
So far, she has already got confirmation of my last name, and is in the process of tracking the maternal side of the family. The paternal side is going to be virtually impossible.
With that in mind, I received an advertisement that says they will track your ancestry via your dna. And it's under $200. They say that they can go back 1000s of years to trace where you come from. I'm curious though...how do you prove it? How can you tell them, "You got it wrong!" All they have to say is, "Prove it!" You can't! Not unless you have verified documentation saying that instead of coming from Germany you come from Geezbookistan. I still may do it, though. Just for giggles.
Anyway, I'll update this blog with more ancestry info if I get it.
On a side note, I finally watched the Doctor Who episode, "The Waters of Mars". What can I say? Fan-stinkin-tastic. David Tennant really proved what kind of actor he is in this one. The look on his face as he decided that he was the Lord of Time and could do as he pleased was fanatical! Overall...even if you aren't a big Doctor Who fan, catch this episode. Along with "Blink", it may be the best ever.
Finally, three cheers for the Sacramento Kings. Down by 35 points in the 3rd quarter, and they come back and win on the road in Chicago. This is a new attitude Kings team. Anyone who can't get behind this team just doesn't like basketball. They are already nearing the total wins for last season, and we're still in December! Tyreke Evans is a stud, Jon Brockman is a self-sacrificing rebound machine, and the rest of the team is infected with the "team" bug, which makes these guys fun to watch. Coach Westphal...I don't know what you've done, but keep it up. And Sacramento area...get these guys a new arena, will ya? It will keep events coming to Sacramento and will help to eliminate the Cow-town label. Get it done!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Shopping with the Dry Heaves
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
Just a Quick One
Friday, December 04, 2009
The Weather's a Changin'
I lived in upstate New York for a grand total of 3 months. I arrived in late August of 1982 (don't laugh...I can't help being old) and left in December due to my utter failure to succeed at the university I tried to attend. (I refuse to get into that right now.) But the beauty of seeing the leaves change in waves was remarkable. From the third floor of my residence hall, I could look north and see a line of trees in the midst of a color change. The wave of red, orange, and yellow progressed towards my location each day, until it reached the local trees and moved past us to spread the glory to the rest of the state.
A short time later, most people had left the college to go home for the Thanksgiving break. I was stuck at the college since my home was in California. As I walked along the empty campus, it started to gently snow. I looked about the old buildings mixed with the new classroom halls, and was stunned by the silence and beauty of the snowflakes gently wafting past and coating the earth.
Why do I write this? I don't know. I just recognize that with all of the benefits of living in California (the economy not being one of them), I miss the seasons that I saw for those few months in New York. Sad? Perhaps. More like melancholy. Time for some Jim Croce and a cup of tea.
On another note...happy anniversary to Sam and Tami! Best wishes to you both!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Justly Chastised
Monday, November 09, 2009
To Anonymous Posters
I am getting anonymous comments to my blog again. Nothing foul, but anonymous.
I repeat what I have written before: If you don't have the courage to include your name, your comments won't be posted. Period. Even if they are complimentary, they won't be posted.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled surfing.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Not Whining....Well, Maybe...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Chiropractors, Insurance, and What the Heck?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Writing Is Hard
Monday, October 19, 2009
Days Away
Monday, October 12, 2009
Rude Awakenings
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
A Quick Thank You
To those who have been reading my blog, who read my manuscript excerpts, and who left constructive comments --- Thank you.
Some people write blogs just to amuse themselves. In fact, I think most people do, because we always wonder if anyone is actually reading them. When someone stops to comment, it can be very rewarding, indeed.
When I decided to write some pieces of "French Bred" (no pun intended on the "pieces" expression), I hoped that maybe someone would get a smile out of it. Aside from some comments over some grammatical errors or a case of redundancy, I also received some very positive words from some folks. In fact, a coworker who was on leave of absence read the excerpts and felt the desire to let me know that she liked what I wrote. I was a bit flustered, and for once in my life didn't know what to say.
I am lousy at accepting praise or even positive reviews. I have never had high self-esteem and have always had issues with accepting complements. So let me just say that even if I hem and haw and don't seem to say much when you give your opinions on my writing, that I truly appreciate every well-thought-out correction, expression of like or dislike, and every complement I receive. I just rarely know how to accept it.
To all who have read: Thanks. Please continue to express yourselves, and turn others toward this blog if you will. I give my word that by the end of this year, I will have taken firm steps toward finishing the manuscript.
Monday, October 05, 2009
It's a Day that Ends In "Y"! Rant Time!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Adult Beverages
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Writer's Block and Focus Issues
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Help a Webartist
There is a webcomic that I have praised for awhile. It is called "Count Your Sheep" and is written by Adrian Ramos. It is a good-natured and clever strip that deserves attention.
Adrian has entered a new comic in a contest. It appears that this contest could really help his attempt to do this work full-time. The story is called "My T-Shirt Fairy Tale". Don't let the title fool you. It's pretty clever and merits a look.
So here is my request. Please go to:
Register, read, and vote for "My T-Shirt Fairy Tale". Then, if you send Adrian your email address to: tshirtfairytale_fans@ymail.com, he will send you a little zip file of gifties, including an electronic version of a children's book he wrote.
His regular comic can be found at: countyoursheep.keenspot.com
I don't know Adrian personally, but I really like the heart behind his work. Please give him your vote. It won't cost you anything except a few minutes of your time, and a smile after reading his work.
Be back with my regular blog very soon.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Les Moto-crottes
Monday, September 14, 2009
I Feel Old
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
A Question About Vacationing
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
What Time Has Taught Me
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Can't Rant?
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Why So Difficult?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Response to a Response
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Bee Does It Again
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Do I Tweet, Or Am I Just A Twit?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Home Ownership
Monday, August 24, 2009
More Annoying Anonymous
Adam it is clear that you are saddened by the loss of your friend, and I hope that her family will be able to move on knowing that they will once again see her one day. However, you were not at the intersection that day and do not know what actually happened. There is no need to try and make the man and his grandsons out to be horrible people or try and make them feel as if it is their fault that Janis lost her life. It just happened and pointing fingers at people will not change the outcome of what has happened. You should focus on Janis and her family and stop pointing your finger at someone when you don't know what happened!

I'm not sure why I'm posting another anonymous comment. I'm beginning to feel that it is a sign of cowardice.
Who, for crying out loud, is trying to make the man a villain?? Can you point out anywhere in my posting that I did that? SOMEone ran a light. I'm not saying that it was one or the other. However, if you can say with a straight face that people should not take this as a lesson to be careful when driving, then you should not be on the road yourself.
Frankly, I am fed up with overly righteous people who think that they can dictate to me what I should or should not feel. Do YOU know what happened? Do YOU think people should be allowed to drive with anything less than full caution?
Try this: ride a motorcycle on the streets of any relatively busy city or town. I guarantee you will get an up close and personal look at the lack of attention paid by some drivers.
The fact that you respond how you do, and that you do so anonymously, tells me a couple of things: you clearly did not read the posting carefully, but instead just assumed what you wanted to; and that you feel superior by trying to tell other people what to think and do.
I apologize to others for the harshness of this rant, but I'm fed up with anonymous postings and people who post without reading carefully.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Annoying Anonymous
Adam, I am troubled by your psoting and use of a dear freinds loss as a reason to promote any agenda. Janis was an amazing woman and one I was proud to call my dear freind for over 35 years. She was sweet and precious in our Lords eyes and a dear wife to Tony. She is greatly missed and is and will always be greatly loved. As aChristian I know I will see Jan aagain in heaven and our Lord is holding her now. Please respect her life and her family's loss.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sorrow For A Friend
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Not Feeling So Safe
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's Late
Sunday, August 16, 2009
First Impressions of Madden 10 Wii - It's a Guy Thing
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Weesh. By Dan Hess
This artist originally did a comic called Angel Moxie, but then moved on to this very imaginative strip called Weesh. I quote from the website as to the plot behind the strip:
The Merle kids, upon moving into their new home, discovered a magical wish-granting rodent-like character, visible only to children, already living there. Fueled by licorice, Weesh grants whatever wish comes to the kids' minds. Tate, the middle brother, is a font of bizarre wishes, often steeped in science fiction lore. Olivia, the youngest sister, leans towards flights of fancy and everything pretty and innocent. Last, but not least, Zoey, the eldest daughter, wants everyone to just leave her alone.
I wouldn't know how else to describe the strip. It is clever, funny, and very well drawn.
Count Your Sheep by Adrian Ramos (aka Adis)
I have talked up this strip before, but it bears repeating. Adis has come up with a great premise. How many people have heard of the idea of counting sheep to fall asleep? Well, in this case, Katie has her own imaginary sheep, named Ship. When she counts him, she falls asleep. However, Ship was her mother's friend before he was Katie's, so Ship is like part of the family. Adis does a great job of seeing the world alternately through the eyes of a bright little girl and those of an insecure widowed mom. It is never mean-spirited, and usually very insightful. Give it a try.
Girl Genius by Phil and Kaja Foglio
This is truly one of the most beautifully drawn and enjoyable webcomics I have found. The Foglios have created a world beyond belief. I am going to quote the backstory here, but understand that the comic is geared towards teens and up. It is not vulgar, but they warn that characters may die, may be in partial stages of undress, or utter a d**n from time to time. I have found it to be ingenious and brilliantly written and drawn.
The setting: In a time when the Industrial Revolution escalated into a full-on war, rival mad scientists, (“Sparks” to be polite), are the ruling powers in most of Europe. Keeping them all in line is Baron Wulfenbach, a particularly powerful and cranky Spark who, when someone starts causing trouble, simply steps in and makes them stop. His captial is the gigantic airship fortress Castle Wulfenbach.
The main character: Agatha Clay was a student at Transylvania Polygnositc University, who had truly rotten luck until she was revealed as a Spark. (Some might argue that this, also, was rotten luck.) She has also recently discovered that she is the last of the famous Heterodyne family—beloved heroes who disappeared under mysterious circumstances many years ago. Folk legend claims that they will someday return, but so far they haven’t managed it.
It's very difficult to tell whether this is an alternate earth, a different time, or what. But it is plainly ingenious, and who really cares where or when it takes place?Finally, one of my long time favorites:
Real Life by Greg Dean
Greg Dean, who is back in Northern California after a short stint in Texas, is a wonderful comic artist. No, he isn't a Rembrandt. Who cares? It's a comic! And it is drawn that way, but with such expressiveness and great details that you are amazed at what he can do. But it isn't the art that sells this comic. Greg really does see things in his own, slightly twisted, Pepsi-overloaded way. He may drop a bad word from time to time, but the comic is loosely based on his life and his view of the world. Granted, I don't think that Greg has really teleported to his friend Dave's space station. But the Shirt Ninja can do so many things that one never knows!
Greg includes computer and video game references, but they don't rule the strip. Instead, he tackles anything that captures his interest or his ire, and also explores the relationship with his wife, Liz. Actually, I'm not sure if they have the kind of conversations he includes in the strip, but it sure wouldn't surprise me! One can start reading at the current strip, but it is fun to go back to the beginning and see how his art and characterizations have evolved over the years. Greg is truly talented, and I hope he continues to draw Real Life for years to come.
Well, those are my reviews. I hope you enjoy the webcomics I have listed here. And to the artists and writers who draw these strips: Thank you. Your work brightens up my day.